About me
Jennifer Eva Sirel Pillau
I am a mother of two and have received formal education in several fields, as well as through world travel. I hold a bachelor’s degree in business administration, a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and I am a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner. My interest turned to matriarchy when it became clear in my role as a healer that virtually all chronic illnesses share root causes that can be traced to the degradation of our social and ecological fabric. I studied matriarchal societies and matriarchal theory at International Academy Hagia, based in Germany, with the institute’s founder, Dr. Heide Goettner-Abendroth. During this experience, I wrote a two-part thesis entitled “In the Beginning: The Real Meaning of Matriarchy,” and “Men in Matriarchy: Toward a World of Relational Integrity.” Finally, I earned the designation of Lecturer of Modern Matriarchal Studies. I have traveled to Greece, Israel, and The West Bank with Acupuncturists Without Borders, as well as to China to enhance my education in Chinese Medicine. I studied Odissi Classical Indian Dance for several years, and traveled to Orissa, India, twice on dance pilgrimage. I am an experienced facilitator of Red Tent circles for women, and have been actively involved in movements to improve school food, oppose genetically engineered foods, stop medical mandates, and to bring critical aid and humane support to individuals affected by forced migration. I wonder at the potent healing and creative medicine in our hands, which I continually develop in myself through the arts of craniosacral therapy (Upledger trained), ceramics, knitting, kopaneli, basketweaving, and textile weaving. I enthusiastically study and participate in the revival of myriad forms of matriarchal arts. I currently live on the Island of Crete, where Neolithic and Bronze Age egalitarian high society once thrived. My pen name is the name of my mother’s Estonian lineage.
Email me at redtent@heartwombandsoul.com