Reviving the Communal Hearth


The art of holding the hearth…

is an important principle that is integral to conceiving a humane and peace-oriented future.  The hearth is the warm and ambiant space at the center of a home or community where everyone belongs, where nourishment is prepared and shared, and where handcrafts, festivities, political deliberations, and other communal activities take place.  The “heart” and “earth” of the community is where heartfelt connections are made among community members while practical daily activities that sustain the community are learned and practiced. It is the place where we develop communal resonance and the capacity to care in a meaningful way for our fellow humans and our earth. Our hearths may be understood as birthing sanctuaries where resilient futures will be seeded, cultivated, and sustained in continuity for generations.

In this spirit, we are gathering in circle on the ancient island of Crete to study, discuss, and imagine the necessary elements for the peaceful revolutionary process that will usher in a humane, ecologically responsible, and resilient future. Welcome! Learn more about the Women’s Wisdom & Scholarship Circle here.


Many exciting things are underway…

Check back here soon to find out about gatherings, presentations, and events about matriarchy as a societal model for a peaceful future, as well as an exciting new collaboration by The Council for the Revival of Matriarchal Arts.

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