The Art of Soul


I had amazing and surreal experiences in 2016; met amazing people, and saw more of the world than I ever thought I would in a lifetime. I’ve been touched and blessed by teachers, friends, wise women, healers, family, volunteers, real-life lessons in history, activists, refugees, politicians, children, Yoginis, and random souls I’ve encountered on the street and in airplanes.  
In many ways, the center of my universe has shifted – and the aftershocks continue.  I’ve had startling moments where I questioned my place in the world, in the order of things.  Is there an order?  Does knowing your place in the order somehow impart security?  It seems there is and it does, but I believe it’s also an illusion.  Who defines this order?  Are we aware whose order we’ve subscribed to?  Does it arise from within, or is it imposed upon us?  

I am a seeker.  Moving into 2017 I am only clear that I will continue seeking, healing, growing into my gifts and desires, and cultivating my respect for our Mother Earth as well as my love and compassion for humanity.  


I was having difficulty finding words to express an eruption of emotional energy that grew in me over the holidays.  Eventually I found my way through with colors, shapes and images; by cutting, pasting, coloring, writing, gluing, transposing, aligning, arranging and re-arranging.  It gently and fairly effortlessly unscrambled my brain and helped to clarify what is in my heart.  

It feels like The Dead and The Fierce.

It’s about life lessons that are delivered in code.

Strangling ourselves with excess-ories.  

Dead eyes staring at screens, watching the world consume itself.  

Fierce resilience and passion.



The Mother and her protégés.

Wisdom and acceptance.  

Complexities of collaboration and community; willful rebellion, defiance, sovereignty. 

Raw, naked, beautiful vulnerability.  The way we all are.  

Deep contemplation.  

