My dear friend, Arch Alaa El Wahidi, a refugee himself from Palestine, and a student at Webster University Athens, has designed the beautiful and deeply meaningful logo for Love Elevates Refugee Relief Network. The design eloquently represents rising from darkness and despair through education and community engagement. I have known Alaa since he arrived at Ritsona Refugee Camp, where we were both volunteers with Café Rits, an independently run program that organizes supplemental food distribution and social events at Ritsona. Alaa received his degree in architecture and design from the University of Palestine. He introduced me to the program at Webster University and helped me identify opportunities for other refugees there.
I just sent my Fall project update for my work in Greece. If you would like to be on my mailing list to receive updates and find out how you or your community group can help, please email me at and request to be added to the list. It would be my pleasure to share some uplifting and exciting news with you!
Some of the most exciting aspects of this update are the launch of a new non-profit organization (501c 3 status pending) whose mission is education, empowerment and identifying and sponsoring pathways to long-term sustainability for refugees, as well as revealing the magnificently designed logo for the project!
The mission of LERRN is to provide both critical relief and avenues of empowerment toward self-sustainability to refugees through various kinds of sponsorships. The concept for this organization was born with the knowledge that there are many people, families and organizations world-wide that would happily welcome refugees into their communities, and generously assist with orientation and integration, as well as with financial support for start-up costs for refugees in their new communities. As current immigration laws are leaving thousands of people in a dangerous, frustrating, and inhumane state of limbo, we can still help by traveling to where refugees are residing to collaborate with the local community to create opportunities that transcend poverty and destitution. This will benefit individuals, families, the local community, and the Greek economy by seeking to alleviate the burden of homelessness, hunger, illness, unemployment, and endless human suffering; if only one person or one family at a time.
As a starting point, through a collaboration with Webster University (an American university) in Athens, LERRN is offering sponsorships for qualified candidates to enroll in bachelor and masters degree programs. Webster University is offering half-price tuition for an entire course of study for qualified refugee candidates, while LERRN will seek to provide the other half of tuition, as well as assistance with other expenses as needed to reach a reasonable standard of living, social support, and active development of business and integration skills for beneficiaries of the program.
A photo from my meeting in September with the amazing faculty of Webster University Athens.
Please join me in thinking big as we take our next steps! As this program grows, individuals and families are lifted from poverty and despair.
Summary of needs and action items:
· Immediate donations and long-term sponsorships are needed.
· Tuition for term 2, beginning in November, to keep our 6 students in school is needed.
· For the semester beginning in January, I have set a goal to continue sponsorship for our six students, and to provide sponsorships for at least four more.
· Can you or your community group commit to a quarterly donation to sponsor an undergraduate or graduate student?
o 1 class for an undergraduate student: €360
o 1 class for a graduate student: €615
· Do you know of an organization or community group that could host a fundraiser or sponsor one or more students?
· Would you like to join my team to help raise funds, raise awareness, or provide moral support for our students?
· Do you have a talent or skill that you would be willing and able to share via one-on-one virtual meetings with a refugee in Greece? This could be language or business skills, life coaching, tutoring, or almost anything else.
· Can you introduce me to friends or organizations who would like to help? I am available for public speaking engagements, if your organization or community group would like to learn more or host a fundraising event.
Within the EU:
Bank Transfer: DE79 1001 1001 2623 9102 78, BIC NTSBDEB1XXX
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United States:
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(Please state how you would like your donation applied in comments)
As the crisis endures, overcrowded boats continue to arrive regularly to the Greek islands. Winter is coming. Some residents of the islands have been moved to the mainland, however, the conditions in refugee camps on the islands remain inhumane and continue to decline. While you may not be hearing about these issues in the news, you can for sure read about them on pages such as Aegean Boat Report, Are You Syrious, Their Story is Our Story, and other social media pages of volunteers and grassroots organizations that are present in Greece.