Have you been de-thorned?


How interesting that when I went in search of a rose for the Red Tent centerpiece yesterday I was hard pressed to find one that hadn’t been de-thorned. The rose is a brilliant metaphor for interpersonal boundaries; behold me in all of my glory, she says, be intoxicated with my finest scent, but allow me space; do not intrude. Handle me with care as my thorns will deliver a sting.

In what ways as women have we allowed ourselves to be de-thorned? How perfectly this demonstrates the effects of social conditioning that trains us to acquiesce. Use our inside voices. Don’t be prickly. Don’t be bossy. Don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Be nice. Be pretty. Don’t ruffle any feathers. Don’t step on anyone’s toes. And don’t question authority.

If you’ve ever acquiesced when you wanted to say HELL NO; or perhaps you’ve intruded on someone’s space, or even their heart – perhaps even with good intentions, then maybe you’ll enjoy my article and worksheet that outlines a personal inquiry for developing healthy interpersonal boundaries.

Send me a message with your email address, and request to join my mailing list to be informed of future events and conversations in the Red Tent, and I will be happy to share it with you.